TAGteach is a completely positive approach which uses ABA principles of shaping and conditioned reinforcement.
T = teaching with
A = acoustic
G = guidance
Unique phrasing (i.e., the tag point is... (5 words or less)
Acoustic marker: Marking the behavior
Supports the importance of immediacy of reinforcement
Precise feedback regarding achieving a predetermined response criterion (i.e., goal setting)
Removes ambiguity that is sometimes associated with praise (word choice and intonation)- is “way to go!” as good as, better than, or worse than “good job”?
Information is binary- simply means “yes”
Increased rate of tags can also serve as a reinforcer for the teacher
TAG points
Clarity of expectation for both student and teacher
Too many expectations can create “confusion” for both student and teacher
Answers the question- what am I reinforcing again?
Differentiated responding may not be very noticeable
Removing ceilings on performance and providing feedback
Teacher can provide feedback without interrupting student performance (i.e., supports but does not interfere with student performance)
Presence of tag = “Yes”
Absence of tag = Do something different
Allows multiple components to occur at once with only one behavior as the tag point
Tag point give a (clear expectation). There is no error correction procedure and no nagging, reprimands or punishment. If the student does not have success after 3 attempts, the TAG teacher adds a prompt or returns to the point of success.
The student can tag the teacher so that the teacher can see what / if the student is learning.
Effective teaching strategies = shaping, chaining, positive reinforcement, specific feedback (verbal, visual, audio), goal setting, public posting, self monitoring, chaining, task clarification, instructions, feedback, modeling, and rehearsal
The tagger which is an audible stimulus used to mark desirable behavior as it occurs.
The selection of the stimulus that follows the tagger depends on the individual’s history of reinforcement.
TAGteach uses TAG phraseology, personalized tagpoint, debrief, and the focus point.
Use new words to avoid any prior learning history so not to use a potential punisher
Tag points identify events that meet criteria, rather than identifying errors or failures
instruction for one aspect of the targeted behavior is given at a time, rather than several
Break behavior down into single units that can be easily identified when achieved (must be binary, yes or no).
Tagger- a hand-held device emitting a brief, distinct, uniform stimulus used to mark behavior as it occurs (generalized conditioned reinforcer).
Tagpoint- a single selected behavior that is acoustically marked with a tag as it is occurring.
TAGteach only tags one specific behavior at a time. Once the tagpoint is occurring consistently, the coach may move on to the next target behavior or successive approximation of the desired behavior (shaping).
Tag- the sound produced by the tagger which follows the occurrence of a tag- point. The student is taught that a tag is defined as “‘yes, that is correct,” and the absence of a tag is defined as “try again.” It is important to note that no vocal feed- back is provided when the targeted behavior does or does not occur.
BID (Break it Down) - dividing a behavior into segments that are easily achieved and reinforced. This is the process of defining and choosing the tagpoint (task analysis).
Three-try rule- a teaching procedure in which a learner is quickly redirected in the event they have not successfully produced a tagpoint within three tries. At this juncture, the teacher utilizes the BID method to outline a new tagpoint within the learner’s repertoire from which a new shaping plan can be developed.
Value-Added tagpoint- a single tagpoint that will produce more than one desired behavior within the same behavioral chain (behavioral cusp).
Debrief- a verbal interaction between the teacher and the learner in which the tag session is analyzed to determine the next tagpoint(s). For example, after a specific behavior has been tagged consistently, the teacher might ask the learner if he/she is ready to move on to the next tagpoint and/or what tagpoint the learner would like to work on next.
Focus point- an instruction provided in terms of what is desired, but in which no tag will be provided (i.e. “The focus point is _”).
Personalized tagpoint- Once a behavior is defined to the student, the student engages in the behavior and provides their own tact (label) for that behavior. The TAG theory is that when the personalized tact is used in the tagpoint, this will provide a higher likelihood that the desired behavior will occur in the future.
Point of success- a behavior that occurs in the student’s repertoire, to start with or re- turn to, in which the student is guaranteed a tag. For example, if the student does not exhibit the behavior within three trials, the coach is to break this behavior down into components to increase the probability of completing the skill and to start with a behavior that is already occurring consistently in the student’s repertoire.
Forward chaining- The system of building a series of tagpoints from the start point to the end point. Teaching starts with the first behavior (tagpoint) in a chain of be-haviors. Once the first tagpoint (behavior) is acquired, training begins on the second tagpoint. This process repeats itself until all tagpoints are acquired.
Task analysis is the analysis of how a task is accomplished, including a detailed description of both manual and mental activities, task and element durations, task frequency, task allocation, task complexity, environmental conditions, necessary clothing and equipment, and any other unique factors involved in or required for one or more people to perform a given task. Task analysis emerged from research in applied behavior analysis and still has considerable research in that area.
The TAG point is always a behavior, it is never a response you do not want to occur.
Ask for the behavior you want, not the behavior you don’t want.
Determine starting point of success
TAG point
repetition of success
Measurable outcomes
TAGteach™ has clear beginnings, clear endings, it breaks long term goals into achievable short term goals, allows for repetition of success and decreases stimuli to improve processing potential.
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