
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Log July 22, 2010

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07/22/10 20 Archery / Girl Scout Camp I attended girl scout day camp with the Kidlet . She tried fishing and archery. Tag point: Feet

Tag point: Nock Arrow red feather up

Tag point: Park Arrow

Tag point: Girl Scout promise fingers

Tag point: Hook it

Tag point: Straight arm

Tag point: Small draw

Tag point: Eye High hand

Tag point: Aim up

Tag point: Pointer under chin

Tag point: Head up

Tag point: Lineup
The Kidlet and I went to a Girl Scout day camp today.

One of the things that
the Kidlet tried was archery. The young lady teaching archery showed the girls how to do it. The Kidlet was frustrated and asked me to remind her of the steps and tag her.

There are seven basic steps for shooting including stance, nock, draw, anchor at full draw, holding and aiming, release, and follow through.

I started with Archery stance. Stand straddling the shooting line with left hip facing the target. Feet shoulder width apart with equal weight on both feet. Keep legs straight.

Tag point: Feet

Because the same stance is needed for every shot, I dug some markers into the ground. (When we do it again, I'll put some tape on the ground.)

While standing on the shooting line, take an arrow and put the nock on the string between the nocking points. The arrow should be placed so that two fletching are against the bow and one fletching point right out from the bow. The arrows the kids were using had one odd colored feather that was to be placed towards the body.

Tag point: Nock Arrow red feather up

Put the arrow on the rest.

Tag point: Park Arrow

Put three fingers to the string. The index finger above the arrow and the second and third finger should be under the arrow. The fingers are held like the Girl Scout promise fingers.

Tag point: Girl Scout promise fingers

Form a deep hook with the fingers, they should be bent in both first and second joint.

Tag point: Hook it

Place the string in the first joint. Don't pinch the nock with the fingers; this might cause the arrow to fall of from the rest. Place bow hand in the grip and let the knuckles form a line 45 degrees against the bow. Don't grip the bow with the hand; fingers should be open and relaxed. Keep bow hand wrist relaxed straight.

Tag point: Straight arm

Rotate the elbow joint so the inside of the arm becomes near vertical. Straighten bow arm and lift it. At the same time lift draw arm and pull the string from almost nothing to approximately 1/3 of the draw length.

Tag point: Small draw

Keep the draw hand in the same height as the bow hand, approximately in the level of the eye.

Tag point: Eye High hand

Aim a little above the target.

Tag point: Aim up

In one smooth motion, draw the string to the face and place the index finger under chin.

Tag point: Pointer under chin

Try to place the string against nose tip without bending neck or lending forward.

Tag point: Head up

The arrow and underarm forms a straight line against the target.

Tag point: Lineup

Repeat the anchor, exactly the same every shot. We worked on archery for 90 minutes rotating the girls on and off the line.

By the end of the session, my kid was able to hit the target 20% of the time with both a recurve and a compound bow.
07/22/10 5 Cello The Kidlet is working on the proper way to hold her body while playing her cello. Tag Point: Left Elbow UP I marked the tags 20 times each with a loud box clicker so that she could hear it over her playing. The Kidlet 's cello teacher asked if I would help the Kidlet to remember to hold her left elbow out away from her body. Elbows should flap like the wings of a bird, she said. We will work on that this week.

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