
Sunday, June 27, 2010

More TAG Videos

Shaping a High Jump

Shaping a Back Handspring

More Gymnastics


Saturday, June 26, 2010

Clicker Reaction Game

How fast are your reactions?

Click here-----> Sheep Reaction Game to test your clicking skills.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"If you go to work on your goals, your goals will go to work on you. If you go to work on your plan, your plan will go to work on you. Whatever good things we build end up building us." — Jim Rohn

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tag Teaching

Here is a collection of videos that show TAG or clicker training people.

Tagging (Teaching with Acoustical Guidance) is clicking for people.
The website says TAGteach is a new way of teaching using positive
reinforcement with a click sound marker to identify successful
performance. We all know there is nothing new about using a clicker.

tag point is what you are clicking the the person for. I click my
seven year old for various things, but unlike Red and Blue - my dogs -, I tell her what I am
clicking her for - and I don't give her a treat. She works to make me click her. We started out with me passing out M&M but it interrupted the flow. Then I went to me dropping an M&M in to a cup to give to her later and she was not interested in having them. She just wanted to keep

So teacher give their student a string of beads and the student moves a bead from one end of the string to the other.

In my dog training classes I'll give the student a
tag point like
Still hands or Treat for position after explaining what I'd like the
person to work on and say their name as the click (since I have four
students at a time in class and all will have different
tag points.)

Adult clicker trainers tend to resist being clicked (treated like a
dog) which is why I use a verbal, and use praise instead of a cookie
or a ball toss. ;-)

Look at these videos. WARNING they are using clickers for people. It
drives my dogs crazy. YMMV

I also have been using it (with a clicker) with my seven year old's basketball
team. I worked one on one with each kid and a parent teaching the
parent to
tag their kid to improve their drilling skills and footwork. The girls
have gotten very good. If the season was longer and we did not have so
much to cover, I'd get the kids tagging each other.

Also read this article about TAGing teenage dog trainers.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Becoming TAGteach Certified

Level 1 Certification

Prerequisite – TAGteach Primary Certification


• Perform and document a minimum ten hours of TAGteaching using an approved audible marker. For example, if you tag for 15 minute of a 1 hour class, this will count as 15 minutes towards the 10 hour total.
• Make a specific contribution to the advancement of TAGteach through a TTI approved project. Projects will illustrate your understanding and implementation of the five TAGteach Primary Certification objectives.
• Projects will be in a format that is accessible as information to others. We strongly suggest you submit documentation and project proposal for review: Briefly describe the material you plan to document, in which format you plan to document your material, and expected submission date. This procedure will preclude submission of material that may not meet certification criteria.

1. Gain a ‘new perspective’ as it pertains to using TAGteach
2. Use a marker as information and positive reinforcement.
3. Select and design proper tag points.
4. Formulate and implement ‘tag talk’
5. Integrate the TAGteach approach into existing programs

Video Documentation:
1. Choose material that will allow for assessment of TAGteach objectives. There should be at least one illustration from each of the five objectives.
2. Video documentation must be recorded on mini-DV tape, CD, or DVD and must include sound. The video can be accompanied by a written log or voice over to provide necessary information.

Journal Documentation:
1. Choose material that will allow for assessment of the TAGteach objectives. There should be at least one written description of your encounters from each of the five objectives.
2. Journal should be typed and submitted in presentation form: title page, body (including dates, lengths of TAG sessions and results), and conclusion.

Level 2 Certification

Prerequisite – TAGteach Level 1 Certification

• Have been active in the application of TAGteach in one or more fields for at least six months and document a minimum of twenty-five of twenty-five additional TAGteach hours using an approved audible marker.
• Provide a class/course syllabus for your chosen field, including: how you will introduce and integrate TAGteach into the program, proposed tag points and reinforcement plans.
• Provide documentation of you leading a session or class with TAGteach principles, using an audible marker and demonstrating the objectives below.
• Attend a second Primary Certification Seminar or Advanced TAGteach workshop and present your level 1 project (alternate approved projects may be presented).
• Complete the online course ( and submit completed worksheets. This requirement applies to all applicants, including people who have earned Level 1 certification by attending a 2-day TAGteach certification seminar. Contact for a discount code for the online course available to those who have attended a 2-day TAGteach seminar.

1. Evaluate an existing program and identify ways in which TAGteach can be used to improve the program
2. Design and implement an age and skill appropriate TAG session.
3. Use TAGteach for problem solving or overcoming learning hurdles.
4. Create and deliver tag points to a group new to TAGteach.
5. Be creative in the use of reinforcers and motivation.

Level 3 Certification

Prerequisite – TAGteach Level 2 Certification and nomination from a Master TAGteacher

• Have been active in the application of TAGteach in one or more fields for at least 1 year
• Applicant will have experience in the development and implementation of TAGteach programs and will contribute to the TAGteach knowledge base by documenting improvements in the programs they have developed in their field. Applicants should have experience using TAGteach in multiple disciplines and be creative and confident in applying the principles of TAGteach to any application
• Use the principles of TAGteach and an audible marker in a minimum of three disciplines.
• Co-present a TAGteach sanctioned seminar with an approved Master TAGteacher.
• Present a two-hour introductory TAGteach workshop approved by TTI.
• Complete all available TAGteach online courses.
• Sign a contract with TAGteach International.
• Final certification is contingent on the applicant’s final assessment including his or her ability to represent TAGteach International in a positive and professional manner including: public speaking, interaction with others, presentation and communication skills.


During the Level 3 Certification process the applicant will bring their skills to the highest level based on the current state of the art in TAGteach practice. They will apply their practical and theoretical knowledge in teaching others about TAGteach through planning and implementation of a TAGteach Primary Certification Seminar. Applicants will work closely with TAGteach principals to ensure efficient and accurate transfer of knowledge.

2010 Golden Valley, MN, Tag Seminar